Be Nice to your Subs

I think it's great that you have your favorite teachers. I really do. But sometimes they have other obligations, get sick, or take vacations. In some cases, they have to ask for a sub for their classes. Fortunately, Tula's software (Tula Software) shows you the name of the substitute teacher as soon as they pick up the class.

Don't skip class!

Go to the class!

Keep an open mind!

Yes, they are not going to have the exact same personality as the regular teacher and they may, to your despair, do different things in class, BUT you are are also experiencing someone else's point of view. Please remember that every Tula teacher has a following now, so you are most likely taking class from someone else's favorite teacher. Really.

So if you come in and unexpectedly see that your class has a sub - introduce yourself, kindly keep an open mind to what they have to offer you and thank them for being flexible and willing to sub your favorite teacher's class.

You may just find your second-favorite teacher. :)

Teacher blog Post: Why Restore? by Lisa Pickert

If you know Tula teacher, Lisa Pickert, you know she's a little firecracker and can lead one bad-ass Vinyasa class. You may not know, however, that she also leads sweet, stress-lifting Restorative Yoga classes as well. I asked her write a blog post on Restorative yoga - what is it and why do we want to do? 

So, read her blog post and then mark your calendar to come experience this 'restoring' first hand at her Restorative Yoga workshop on Saturday, Feb. 8 from 5-7pm.

After all, who couldn't use some stress relief? 

Why Restore?

by Lisa PIckert

In our fast paced forward-thinking society, "doing" is valued more than simply "being," and we need to slow down, calm down, and nurture ourselves.  


   "To his detriment, modern man is often unable to resolve his stress so directly, and lives chronically stressed as a result. Still responding to the fight or flight response, the adrenal glands continue to pump stress hormones. The body does not benefit from nutrition because the digestion and elimination systems are slowed down. Even sleep is disturbed by this agitated state.  In a chronically stressed state, quality of life, and perhaps life itself, is at risk. The body’s capacity to heal is compromised, either inhibiting recovery from an existing illness or injury, or creating a new one, including high blood pressure, ulcers, back pain, immune dysfunction, reproductive problems, and depression. These conditions add stress of their own and the cycle continues."  

- Judith Hanson Lasater, Ph. D and PT, Relax and Renew: Restful Yoga for Stressful Times

That sounds pretty grim, but there are ways to alleviate chronic stress.  Yoga offers us so many tools!  You can learn, and re-learn, how and where to identify tension in your body and release it.  Restorative yoga, with it's longer, supported holds provides a healing space for the physical body, and also can have a transformative effect on the mind.  

What's different about a restorative yoga class?

Some of the poses might be familiar to you from a vinyasa, hatha, or yin class, but the approach and benefits are unique.  In a restorative class, blankets, bolsters, and blocks are used to support the body so there is little muscular effort.  It is without effort that the body can move into a state of deep relaxation, releasing tension held deeply in the muscles and joints.  The poses are held for a greater length of time, so that the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for our "rest and digest" instincts and actions is triggered.  It takes the average human body about twelve minutes to find complete stillness and ease in a particular position.  During this time we can cultivate the habit of attention, and we must allow ourselves to switch from 'doing mode' to 'being mode.'  

What are the effects?

If we truly give ourselves the important task of doing nothing besides taking in and letting go of deep breaths, a restorative yoga practice can be transformative.  Scientifically and specifically, it can lower blood pressure and heart rate, ease respiration, quiet the frontal brain lobes, enhance immune response, reduce fatigue, improve sleep, and help to manage chronic pain to sustain and restore balance in the body.

I'm convinced that the less time you think you have for this type of practice, the more you need it!

Give yourself the greatest gift, that of your own attention!  Chicagoans, winter warriors, I'm writing to you.  

Questions?  Email me at

The Greatest Gift I Ever Received: My Yoga Practice

Continuing with our guest blog posts, this one is from our newest instructor, Claire Staszak. She has been attending classes here since we opened and we recently added her to the schedule on Thursday mornings at 10am. 

Her post is especially relevant as we enter into the 'gift-giving' season and it's a good reminder that sometimes the best gifts we can give our loved ones and ourselves are not tangible 'things', but are experiences that help to create happiness, memories and meaning in our lives.  

The Greatest Gift I Ever Received: My Yoga Practice

By Claire Hurwitz Staszak

I was recently at a daylong retreat that involved art and yoga. As the morning began, each participant introduced him or herself. The retreat leader asked us to share with everyone a brief story about the greatest gift we had ever received. Pretty deep question for 10am! But as everyone started sharing his or her stories it quickly dawned on me that the greatest gift I was ever given was my first yoga teacher training. My mom paid for my training as a gift, because as mother’s intuition is usually right, she knew I really needed it at that point in my life’s journey.


I had just moved back home to Chicago from San Francisco after my idealistic first year out of college and jump into the real world had gone drastically wrong. A terrible breakup and the crumbling of my future as I had always imagined it had sent me into my first real battle with depression. At the time, I was living in an intentional community and working for Habitat for Humanity—and even with my wonderful roommates and lovely co-workers, I was still barely making it through each day. I couldn’t eat and each day as a forced down my oatmeal and cried into my tea I felt like I was losing a little piece of myself. I felt like a failure, lost and not lovable. Moving back home was the best option for me to get back on my feet.

San Francisco introduced me more fully to yoga and I knew I felt good when I was practicing. Ana Forrest was holding a teacher training back in the Chicago area. Mom said, “Come home and I’ll help you pay for the teacher training. You’re going to be okay.” The training really changed my life. I spent 6 weeks waking up at 4am to arrive at my mat at 6am and practice until 6pm, 7 days a week! It was a transformational experience. Ana Forrest created a safe space for people to be themselves and part of a larger community. I felt like I had a purpose again. I met other wonderful, struggling people like myself and learned that everyone has hardships and problems. It is how we choose to overcome these issues that defines us and keeps us strong. 

Today, I know that it is my yoga practice that keeps my grounded and in-touch with my deeper self in a world that is frankly too busy, crazy and depressing. It is my yoga practice that makes me emanate with gratitude for all the beauty in the world and the amazing people who come to the mat for their own reasons. It is my yoga practice that shows me how to be a better teacher by honoring my limitations, my fears, my hopes, my accomplishments, and myself. I am forever grateful to my mom and dad for their support during that first teacher training. I am grateful for the yogic path that lights my way would have been harder to find without them. 

As the materialism of the season swirls around us…take a second to pause and consider the greatest gift you have been given. What is it? What has it meant to your life, to the person you are today? Can you thank the person or people involved? I encourage you to meditate with thoughts of gratitude in your heart, and send loving kindness from the center of your being to that person. Gifts of the season are all around us and taking your yoga practice off your mat and into the world is surely the greatest gift we yogis can share. 

Happy Holidays!



How to Get a Job

This post is a bit off the topic of yoga, but I needed to express it and I think it can be helpful for those of you out there in the job market......

I have had to hire a few studio assistants since the studio has opened and the process is always stressful and time-consuming. One thing for sure, there are a lot of people that need jobs, even part-time jobs like the ones that I offer. Unfortunately for the job-seeker, this means that the employer most likely has their pick of many, many applicants and can hold out for the perfect fit (rather than having to compromise on much). Here are a few tips for landing an interview, interviewing, and ultimately making yourself stand out a bit from the crowd, no matter what industry you are in or what position you are applying for. 

1. Express how you are perfect for the job, not how the job is perfect for you. This is a big one. I often hear things like - 'it would fit perfectly into my schedule', or 'I really need this type of job in my life'. I want to know why you are a good fit for the job, what skills and experience you bring to the job and how you can help me, not how the job can help you. 

2. Be sure you can meet the minimum requirements of the job outlined in the description before you apply/interview. I don't how many times I would list the shifts required, but still get inquiries about the job with the suggestion that I change the shifts. Like I said, in this market, employers can be picky, so if you can't meet the minimum requirements of the job, don't waste everyone's time - don't apply. 

3. Be on time. This may seem like an obvious one, but if you lucky enough to land an interview, be on time. Not 10 minutes early, not 2 minutes late. On time. 

4. Make sure that you are reading the way in which the employer would like you to apply. I specifically ask for no resumes in my descriptions, but continuously get resumes. I ask for an email, I get phone calls. This may be harsh, but If you can't adhere to basic instructions, you are not going to get hired. Period.

5. Do your research! Spend at least 5-10 minutes on the employer's website finding out about the company, the people, and getting a feel for what they do. I never again want to hear on an interview "so, do you do Bikram?". The apathy is just insulting. If you care so little that you can't spend 5 minutes on the internet finding out about the company for an interview, what amount of effort can I expect that would you put into the actual job? 

6. Enthusiasm goes a long way. Especially, when the position has minimum formal qualifications, you really need to stand out from the literally hundreds (if not thousands) of other people that are that are also qualified for the position. If you are enthusiastic about the position, express it - smile, compliment, ask about the company and the story of the company. Express your enthusiasm every chance you get and you will stand out. 

7. After an interview, follow up with a thank you email. Thank the employer for taking the time to meet with you. Interviews are exhausting and time-consuming for employers and we want to feel like you recognize this and appreciate that we took the time out of our busy schedule to talk with you. Bonus points for again expressing your interest and enthusiasm for the company and position. 

Good luck job-hunting!

A Student's Story: Jen Lee

Jen Lee has been attending classes here since opening day. Currently, at 38 weeks pregnant with her second child, here is her courageous story of yoga, loss, and truly listening and honoring your body's individual needs. (be sure to check out her bad-ass slo-mo handstand video at the end:)

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I'm Pregnant - Not Dead

by Jen Lee

When Maile asked me if I would be interested in writing a post about my experience with doing yoga during my pregnancy, I was excited to share my story. But when I sat down to actually write about it, I struggled as to where to start.

You see, until Tula opened its doors 2 years ago, I had never actually done yoga before. I was always that girl in the camp of “yoga isn’t a workout”. I had been an athlete my whole life and felt that if I wasn’t sweating and panting, it wasn’t worth the time. 

So what made me finally decide to try it? My doctors. I have chronic pancreatitis – a disease that has caused me to lose 3 organs, to endure severe pain on a daily basis, and to spend a lot of time in the hospital. Stress makes my condition worse and the doctors thought it was worth me trying yoga. I remember the first time I went to class, I was so worried that I wouldn’t know what I was doing - and I didn’t - but Amanda was amazing and so patient with me. That next morning I could barely get out of bed. Muscles I didn’t know existed hurt. It was then that I realized that my perceptions of yoga were completely wrong, it definitely wasn’t just a stretching and meditation class.

I began going to yoga regularly and loved it. I began feeling more in control of my pain and my husband even commented on my calmer demeanor when I would get home from class. In November of that year, we found out that we were pregnant with our second child and couldn’t have been happier. I continued to go to class and all the instructors were great about showing me how to adapt my practice for the pregnancy. I was excited for yoga to be part of my journey. 

Unfortunately, for whatever crappy reasons, that January I lost the baby.

To say I was devastated is an understatement. I didn’t leave the house for 2 weeks except to go to the necessary doctor appointments. I didn’t want to do anything. Finally my husband, as harsh as it felt at the time, told me that I needed to work on moving on. He told me to just start by going to yoga. He reminded me how good I felt when I was going and I finally agreed. I think that first class back I was just going through the motions of the poses, not really putting my whole self into the practice, until savasana came that is. It was like a huge wave of emotion just hit me at once. Tears just started coming out and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was so embarrassed, not being one for public emotion. After class Maile and Cassi, who I barely knew at the time, just hugged me and made me feel that it was ok to not keep it all bottled up. Yoga proved to be just what I needed again.

During the next 9 months or so, I kept going to class, however far less than I would’ve liked. Between work and my family, I never felt that I had enough time for everything and the natural choice for me at the time was to sacrifice yoga. Well, the stress and my health caught up to me again and in October of 2012 I was hospitalized for a month with one of the worst pancreatic attacks I had in years. After this hospital stay my husband and I had a “come to jesus” and decided that it wasn’t worth it for me to work anymore, that my health was more important. It was a tough decision, but I retired from my career in advertising.

So what does one do with a sudden surge of time on their hands? Exercise! I began running and doing yoga every day. It wasn’t about losing weight or de-stressing anymore, it was about me and just me. Me showing myself what I could do – and that my health wasn’t in control, I was.  I was setting goals and accomplishing them and felt better than I had in 10 years. I honestly had been at a point in my life that I hadn’t thought I could feel this good ever again. My doctors even said they underestimated how much stress I was under and how it was affecting my health. My pain had gone down and I had more energy – I felt amazing! 

In April of this year, we found out that we were pregnant again. As scared as I was about losing the baby again, I knew I had to take care of myself as well. I knew that I had to keep doing what I was doing.

Because of my health, I go to a high risk OBGYN and discussed with him my routine. He said that since I was in the routine already that he had no problem with me continuing it, in fact, he encouraged it. So I kept going on my daily 5 mile runs and yoga class. I felt great.

What I did find about my decision is that everyone has an opinion, and most times they are unfounded ones, but they are still compelled to share them with you. Many people have disagreed with my choice to continue my routine. I have heard everything from that I was creating unnecessary risks to that I was being selfish. I was given guilt trips like “wouldn’t you just feel horrible if something were to happen”. I was also told that pregnancy was the time to relax and take it easy, and even to the extreme that I was being ‘stupid’. But for each of these people – there was another one that congratulated me and cheered me on – so thank you to all of you. And to all the others – I’m pregnant, not dead.

At 28 weeks pregnant I stopped running, I listened to my body and it was just getting too uncomfortable. However, what it ultimately did for me was allow me to solely focus on my yoga practice for the first time ever.  I soon found that unlike running, my yoga practice was constantly evolving. In running I could go faster or farther, but that was really it. In yoga, everyday was a chance for me to do something new, or better, or longer. I never felt the need to go to prenatal classes and can honestly say that my yoga practice has considerably improved during my pregnancy.  Did I WANT to go everyday? Hell no! Anyone that has been pregnant will tell you how tired you get. But I always made myself go and told myself that I could leave the class at anytime if I didn’t think I could finish. Happy to report that I haven’t had to take myself up on that deal yet. I feel stronger than ever and my husband even commented to me this weekend that my butt looks better than even before I was pregnant (I’ll take that!) 

So here I am – 2 weeks to go until my second baby girl comes into this world – and I am doing handstands, can get into full splits, and still rocking every vinyasa. After all, I’m only pregnant, not dead.

A Teacher Blog Post: Monica Brown

Continuing with the guest blog posts - this one by Tula instructor, Certified Thai Massage Therapist and Artist, Monica Brown. Monica has been with Tula since the beginning and brings joy, calm and inner peace to all those that she encounters. Here's her thoughts on the Breath.......

Don't Forget to Breathe.....

By Monica Brown

It seems that the breath is the first place we become disconnected from the body---in daily life, in stressful situations, in over-concentration. The breath is also a wonderful tool to bring you back to the moment, to bring you back to your body, back to the recognition of what the mind is doing. It reminds you to expand, to fill up the space within you with air, and then… to let go.


As a yoga instructor, I try to remind myself of this often as well as convey it to my yoga students. Yoga is about so much more than physical activity. It can be very athletic; however, it is also about balance and connection to the breath. In the Yoga Sutras it states that yoga is a place of comfort and stability. How do you find that place in a difficult pose (or a difficult situation)? Can you find that balance between strengthening and relaxing, between effort and repose? Can you find places where there is unnecessary holding---in the jaw, in that space between the eyebrows, in the mind, in the breath…?

It is wonderful to challenge oneself, always, but it is also necessary to make sure you maintain room to breathe, to find a space that you can soften into, an effortless effort that is able to create more expansion than a forced effort. Let go of holding that restricts the flow of breath and movement, to release the past and the future, and simply breathe in the moment.

Join me on the mat on Saturdays at 12:15pm for Hatha + Meditation and on Mondays at 10:30am for Hatha Vinyasa.

A Student's Story: Blanca Hurley

Tula is made up of some absolutely amazing students and teachers. This is the first of many student (and teacher) stories that I will be posting.

Please meet Blanca Hurley. She is a simply a ray of sunshine and it is always a pleasure to see her at the studio each week. Every week she inspires me and after reading her story, I am inspired even more.....


A Plus-size Yogini’s Journey

Written by: Blanca Hurley


My yoga journey began 12 years ago, when Dora Ruffner a choreographer, PhD candidate, yoga and dance teacher took on an enormous endeavor of implementing yoga into the Dance Program at Palo Alto College, which is located in an underprivileged area of San Antonio, TX.  At this time yoga studios and classes were not readily available, and I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

I have to admit that I came to yoga with the vain intention of maintaining my-then thin figure and perhaps shedding even more weight. Of course Dora’s classes contained the physical asana practice I sought, however, she also taught a philosophical component. Needless to say, I was unprepared for the latter, but that is what strengthened me the most. I became her faithful student for four years. 

Then the responsibilities of life piled on and so did the weight as I took on a career that compromised my happiness. Most days I had to force myself to get out of bed; after work I excessively indulged on food. My body no longer resembled a fit twenty-something-year-old. My days of practicing yoga became a distant memory.

Subsequently my husband Steve saw how miserable I was and encouraged me to find my happiness. I quit my job, went back to school as a non-traditional student, and we eventually decided to move to Chicago–a city that as a poet I had romanticized since adolescence. By happenstance, I reconnected with my friend Tim, who was visiting for the holidays. Unfortunately, he delivered the news that Dora had passed away abruptly (5 months after I ran into her at Whole Foods). Cancer made its way into her body undetected until it was too late. 

Although she taught me that impermanence was part of our human condition–that our energy is recycled back into the earth–this was not enough to console me. I found myself searching for something to alleviate my grief. I needed yoga, but I was too embarrassed to walk into a studio at size 18/20. 

Several years passed and within this time Steve and I traveled to Dublin, Paris, London, and eventually made our way to Sydney. While walking around The Royal Botanic Gardens we came across a photo-shoot of women doing various asanas along the quay. I watched as they adjusted themselves into Warrior II, Tree, and Chair, when tears began to roll down my face. It took going all across the world for me to realize that yoga is what makes me happy. I decided right then that as soon as we got back to The States I would begin practicing yoga again–all 250 lbs. of me. 

I found Tula after doing a random search for yoga studios in Logan Square. I will never forget walking in that Saturday and being greeted by Amanda. I was so nervous about not being accepted in my plus-size body, but she was friendly, funny, and most importantly non-judgmental. Still I nervously set-up my mat (of course, at the very back of the room). Michelle walked-in and greeted everyone in the most loving way that is familiar to her students. Prior to this I had never been to a yoga class with other plus-size students let alone a plus-size teacher! I was amazed by her strength and ability to make her students feel at-ease.

Gradually, I worked my way up from practicing yoga once a week to five times weekly. I no longer dread waking-up Monday mornings, because I am able to start my week practicing Hatha with Monica, who reminds me of how strong I have become. By midweek when all the hustle and bustle of the city has exhausted me, I look forward to Thursdays with Jody, who reminds me that although I have dealt with difficult people all week there are some really wonderful people too.  *Fridays with Amanda reminds me to always challenge myself. Saturday mornings when the city is quiet I look forward to practicing with Michelle who reminds me that beauty has nothing to do with a number on a scale. Lastly, *Sundays with Nathan reminds me that the slightest movements are like words in a poem–they mean everything.  

For all these reasons I am thankful for the community at Tula!


*Currently conflicts with yoga teacher training. One of the greatest things I have learned about yoga is knowing that I will eventually make my way back. 


A Beginner's Mind

“If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything, it is open to everything. In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few. ” 
 Shunryu Suzuki

I recently started running. It's really hard. One would think that because I do yoga I could just get up and run a couple of miles, right? No way. I am using this iPhone training app that talks you through a run-walk routine 3 times a week. The idea being that you can eventually build up to longer runs. We will see.

During this first week of running,  I've been thinking a lot about when I was just starting yoga and how hard and daunting it seemed. I was thinking how it's not the yoga that has changed or even that I've progressed really in my practice. A lot of it has to do with how well I know my body and how it responds to certain poses. I know, for example, that my left hip is tighter than my right. So in pigeon pose, I sink into my left more. I know that I have 'weird' knees that sometimes hurt when I shift weight onto them suddenly, so I take it more slowly when I am asked to do that in class. I know all of these things through continuous and consistent practice.

With running, I am now a beginner again and I'm trying to understand how my body responds to running - what pace is right for me, how to move my feet and legs and what do with my arms. How to 'stride' and move comfortably through the streets and sidewalks. It all seems so foreign and difficult. I feel like everyone that I run by is looking at me while I am red-faced and gasping for breath - sound familiar?

I think it's important to always remember what it was like to be a beginner no what level you think you are at in everything that you do in life. I think that continuing to have this 'Beginner's Mind' opens up so many possibilities to what you can do and where you can go.

If you think you've already gotten there, what is there to strive to do?

My Summer Body

I have a secret to share. I hate Summer. Every year about this time I begin to fret over a summer wardrobe, particularly over the SWIMSUIT. I become annoyed and jealous of the women that just casually pick up a cute bikini from Target without a care in the world about hiding dimples, stretch marks, and fat. About this time, every year, I think to myself, why didn't I go on a diet, why didn't I start that running routine, why didn't I do more crunches?

Not this year. This year I have resolved to do away with the body issues. Yes, that's right, simply do away with them and push them aside. I am not spending one more minute of my life trying to live up to some pre-conceived, media-driven ideal about how my body should look. Think of it as a diet for the mind. Every time I begin to think and worry about the first time I wear a swimsuit this season, I decide, that instead I'm going to think about the strength that I feel in downward dog, that sense of lightless-ness in a handstand, that euphoria that comes during savasana. My yoga practice has made me strong and fearless in a way that I haven't ever felt in my 38 years of life.

Long ago, I cancelled my subscriptions to the the women's "health" magazines that don't tell you that you are beautiful the way you are, but convince you that you need 'work'. They tell you that you need 3 weeks to get into a bikini, they tell you that you need a juice cleanse in order to 'restart' your metabolism, they tell you that you are fat and ugly. They tell you that simply by putting an unattainably beautiful, photo-shopped girl on the cover. Stop reading those magazines. Don't let people convince you that you need 'work'. You need to live in your body for the rest of life. It is the vessel in which you get to take you through this life. If your body doesn't feel good, if you are not healthy, you know what to do - eat better and exercise. Educate yourself, but don't be fooled by the fake imagery and barbie doll ideal that our society convinces you is the only way your body should look. It's complete nonsense and you know it, so stop believing it.

I know that I am happy, healthy and lucky to have a strong body. I have a body that has birthed two beautiful children, that has stretch marks, cellulite, hips, a pot belly and my husband thinks I am beautiful. I'll bet that someone in your life thinks you are beautiful the way you are too, so don't let 'body image' bring you down this summer. Wear what you what, be comfortable, practice yoga, truly believe that little voice inside your head that tells you that you are an amazing creature just the way you are.

Oh, and make a bonfire on the beach with those magazines.

The Rarity of Disconnection

I went to lunch the other day with my husband and the guys that share his co-working space in Wicker Park. Most of these guys work in the technology industry and the main point of conversation during lunch was the new Google glass. Being the first time I had really heard about this, I was shocked. Why would anyone want to wear glasses around and constantly be 'connected' to emails, texts, the internet? Are we not connected enough already? Then they started to talk about a contact lens that would go in your eye and also connect you to the internet - literally, a computer connected to your body.

All this started me thinking about how rare 'disconnection' is becoming. The times in our everyday, waking lives where we are not checking emails, texts, surfing Facebook is becoming less and less. I would venture to say that the average person probably doesn't go more than 2 hours a day, if that, without being 'connected' somehow. Looking to the future, I anticipate that the experiences that allow this disconnection will become more and more valuable. Right now, the value is placed on connection - Wi-fi, faster internet speeds, more wires, cell phone towers. I believe that in the future, that value will be placed on disconnection - internet 'dead' zones, retreats, getaways, yoga classes. This disconnection will be become more and more elusive and we are going to crave it in our lives even more.

A Guest Blog: A Lesson in Perfection

Written by Becca Wise about her experience with our 30-day challenge......

Life, by nature, is challenging enough.  Once we button up one problem, another is sure to replace it fairly quickly.  Or sometimes, just as we’re feeling so completely overloaded, another bomb drops and we’re forced into a deep dark place we never even thought existed.  I guess I feel pretty fortunate that striving for balance is a main priority in my life.  And this balance comes in the form of yoga, lots and lots of yoga.  So when I was presented with a challenge to attend one yoga class each day for 30 days at Tula Yoga Studio in Logan Square, I thought, “Sure, why not?”  The reward offered by the studio for completing this challenge was a waived monthly membership fee, but I should’ve known that the lessons would reach far beyond this monetary incentive.  The takeaway helped me better understand the concepts of the spiritual practice, including translating the equanimity I take with me after class and back into the real world, which isn’t always filled with sunshine and rainbows, especially during the brutality of winter in the Windy City…

The best part of the challenge was that each and every day, no matter how strong or absent-minded I felt during class, I felt good simply knowing that I was working toward a goal and that I hadn’t given up.  Even when my mind would wander, exacerbating feelings of negativity, blame and guilt, I still had my practice-one thing to feel good about each and every day. The strength of mind and character that I built during the challenge carried over into my real day-to-day life, offering me courage, insight and wisdom.  I was able to challenge myself to say the hard things, to speak up and be heard.  I also began to feel steady progress physically as well.  All of a sudden, I could touch my head to the floor in a wide-legged forward fold and even push my legs up into a headstand!  The more challenging my personal life got throughout the 30 days, the more I went into my breath during practice, keeping my eyes closed through most of the poses and feeling that I was really “getting” what this whole yoga thing was all about.
It shouldn’t have surprised me that my life would continue to balance itself throughout the 30 days.  All of the warmth and positive energy I created inside the studio was counter-balanced by the difficulties presented outside the studio.   There was no reserve of serenity, my life off the mat had literally soaked up every last drop of yoga bliss, pulling me off-center and taking me to a dark, unfamiliar place.   At the time, I felt like my commitment to the 30-day challenge was almost all I had…my only chance to feel good each day.  And I learned that no matter how much yoga I do, nothing will ever be the exact way I want it.  I remain who I am: perfectly imperfect.  The more I struggle for perfection; the more my life pulls me back into reality, wakes me from the unrealistic notion that I can do it all seamlessly, if only I practice yoga each and every day.
Now, after the dust has settled and I am back in a balanced place, I see the effects of my sustained effort much more clearly.  It was a life lesson.  A deep yoga practice doesn’t prevent us from the natural ebbs and flows of life.  Couples have challenges.  Work can be intense.  The magic of yoga lies in the fresh, clear perspective it offers.  If we can learn to accept challenges in our lives and look at them as opportunities, we start to gain wisdom.  And when we truly understand that the one thing for sure in life is change, we’re golden.  Until the next challenge, that is…then we start fresh and learn it all over again.

Perceptions are Reality

In life, our perceptions color our reality. Everyday and in everything we do. We have an initial reaction to something and pre-conceived notions about it immediately. This is hard-wired into our brains and it's how we look for patterns in the world around us. Without patterns, we would need to relearn things over and over each day. On it's face, to say that everyone has perceptions (that may be entirely false) about things or people, sounds like a bad thing. It sounds like something that we need to work on and transcend somehow. But we are all human and this is how we work. Perceptions shape who we are, how we learn to react to things, how we act. In essence, our perceptions create our reality. The key is to recognize that everything is always seen through the individual, unique colored lenses that we each wear and to respect and honor that THAT is what makes up reality.


Gettin' Happy

We recently had a screening of the movie Happy in the studio. Really great movie and I highly recommend it to all! Some of the things that I found most fascinating are these:

- 50% of a person's happiness is genetic! What?? I had always believed that we were solely in charge of our own destinies, but it turns out that some people are pre-disposed to be unhappy. But don't despair, there are plenty of things that you can do to turn it around!

- Only 10% of a person's happiness is determined by external factors such as wealth & social status. In fact, they say that once all basic necessities of life are taken care of such as food, water, shelter, the greater wealth you accumulate has little to no baring on whether or not you will be happy in life. The movie cites a stat that says that the difference in happiness between someone who makes $5000 a year and $50,000 a year is exponential, but there is no difference in happiness between someone that makes $50,000 and $50 Million.

- A full 40% of a person's happiness is determined by what a person intentional does in life, how they decide to spend their days and how they think about things. It other words, is completely determined to you.

- Want to be happier? The happiness researchers in the movie suggest 4 things -

1. Exercise regularly - it increases dopamine in the brain and highly contributes to feeling happy.

2. Invest in your community. Again, when people collaborate with one another (on anything positive) and help each other, dopamine secretions skyrocket in the brain! Just getting out, talking with people and being involved in your community can create a feeling similar to a drug-induced euphoria!

3. Meditation - The simple act of turning inward and training your mind to calm down and reflect can leave you with feelings of contentment and general well-being.

4. Finally, there are small things that you can do everyday to increase your overall life happiness - naming one thing that you are grateful for everyday, committing a 'random act of kindness' - like helping an elderly person across the street, feeding an expired parking meter or picking up your neighbor's mail.

So here's to gettin' HAPPY.

Why Every Mom should do Yoga

Parenthood is hard. It can be overwhelming and is all-consuming. Parents are constantly bombarded with media (and friends and family) giving us advice about every aspect of of children's life from the correct shoes to the right schools to healthy foods. Until I had my children, I had always felt confident in the decisions I made, after I had children, I was consistently doubting myself and confused.

I discovered yoga after the birth of my second child. Yes, I was looking for a tighter butt, BUT I was also looking for an outlet to find and center myself with out the demands of motherhood and everyday life. All day and night I was worrying about my children, wondering about the best diapers to use or whether they were eating enough - I needed to take a time out.

After I started to do yoga, these questions and problems that I felt torn about seemed to just melt away. I was more able to connect with my intuition as a parent and know that whatever decision I made was the right one for my children. Yoga connected me with myself. Yoga quieted the noise and advice from the outside just long enough for me to uncover what was already there - the answers.

I think parents (especially moms) make the mistake all the time of wanting or feeling like they need to be with their children 24/7. They think that their children need to be with them all the time. They say they are too busy to take time to do yoga or anything else that involves a certain level of selfishness. Let me tell you - what your children want is for you to be happy. In relationships, we hear the advice that you need to love yourself before you can begin to love anyone else. I think that the same is true in parenthood. You need to take the time out for yourself to be the best parent you can to your children. You need to back away and reconnect with yourself to be better able to make clear parenting decisions and to be able to juggle the demands of children and family life.

So, my advice, take the time to get to yoga class. Connect with your breath, your body and your mind. Do it for yourself and your children.

My Yoga Journey, Year 1 - The Physical

Everyone tells you that yoga takes time and consistent practice to make progress. I have been practicing off and on for 4 years now, but only since Tula has been open (almost a year) has my practice been what I would say is 'consistent'. I practice about 3-4 times per week. Yes, I have weeks where I don't practice at all, but then weeks where I am going everyday. I feel that I have made significant progress over the last year and here's what physical changes I have seen.

1. First, it was Chaturanga Dandasanas. They used to kill me. I would feel strong for the first 1 or 2, but then my arms would shake and tremble and I would kind of fall to the floor in one uncontrolled movement. Then one day, they were all smooth, strong and controlled! I noticed that my arms were tighter and I even saw some muscle definition! It was an amazing feeling went I went into class confident in my ability to do a chaturanga without alot of strain.

2. Next was increased flexibility. I could do side-angle, triangle, and even warrior 3 without a block! I noticed that when I would go into them, the poses would suddenly open up to me and I started to feel things in these poses that I never had. I could lean back more in triangle, stretch further in side angle, get my legs straight and start to balance in warrior 3. I could actually 'open' my chest more, twist deeper, even breathe!

3. CROW! Previous to this year, crow pose was an anomaly to me. I just didn't get it. Teachers would say to look forward, pull your core up, grip the mat with your fingers, keep your knees to your arm pits..... so much going on and I would end up in an exhausted pile on the floor with sore wrists and bruises on my arms. One day, it clicked and I could hold it - 2 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds.....yes!

4. Finally, the handstand (at the wall). Again, I had tried to kick up into it so many times and it just felt impossible. Where's the friggin' wall? Why can't I do this? My arms are strong, my core is somewhat strong? I would literally fall sideways when I got to a certain point with my hips over my shoulders. Again, with aching wrists and a pounding head. Then, I mustarded the courage and did it. So fun. I'm hooked.

I can't wait to see what happens in year 2......

Where has your yoga journey taken you?

Guest Blog Post by Joan Lee

This is written by guest blogger/yogini Joan Lee. Joan was a Tula staple and moved to NYC a couple of weeks ago.  Tula and all of its people will miss her something fierce.  She is a beautiful spirit.
Yoga happened for me last November, precisely when I probably needed it the most, whether I knew it or not.
Last fall found me a bit of an existential mess.  A couple months prior, I had finished a two-year master’s program that had proven to be demanding and completely soul-crushing.  Upon graduating, however, I wasn’t filled with a sense of fist-pumping joy, but instead was consumed by anxiety at the thought of having to face the unknowable, ever-changing, unstable world.  Despite the fact that I had successfully finished my degree and secured a good job, I realized that after the rat race of grad school, the lack of self-dialogue and alignment with myself was catching up to me to seriously kick my ass.
Amidst all of that inner-chaos I managed to find Tula.  Here I must thank my awesome next-door neighbor/hairdresser who told me that the new yoga studio in the neighborhood was pretty good.  So I decided to check it out at 8:30am one Sunday morning.  And while I don’t believe yoga is something for one to be good or bad at, I can say that I looked and felt a mess that first class.  But I kind of liked it.  Unlike the type-A, crazy person that grad school brought out of me, I loved that practicing yoga on my mat was a release for me to be straight-up silly, to try things that seemed a bit absurd (you want me to balance on my chin?).  I came to embrace all of my shortcomings- every faceplant, tight hamstring, unfulfilled pose- and over time I didn’t consider these things to be shortcomings at all, instead I felt a deeper connection to myself, and, gasp!, even a sense of appreciation for myself.
In retrospect, yoga happened for me at a time when I was consciously attempting to shed the cynicism, to choose happiness and to accept love as guiding principles in my life.  I had adopted the mantras of being kind to myself and keeping an open heart and open mind to the world.  And yoga was a great outlet for me to practice these things until they started sticking.
In addition to increased flexibility and physical strength, the unexpected awesome cherry on top of this whole yoga journey of mine has been meeting all of the amazing yoga friends that I have made over the past ten months, including Cassi!  When I began taking yoga classes, I loved the anonymity I had in class while on my mat, but to my surprise, having a supportive community of big-hearted, compassionate people has been one of the highlights of my Chicago life- and one of the hardest things I have had to say goodbye to this last month!  Believe me, I was seriously having second thoughts about moving after some truly lovely yoga ladies surprised me with bubbly and chocolate pie after my last yoga class!
It’s so ironic that through becoming a part of a community of really supportive and encouraging friends, I felt empowered to make the decision to move to New York, thereby forcing what feels like a premature goodbye from my friends! But I think this is what yoga is about- experiencing and feeling grateful for the present and then letting go when the time comes.  And I can see how I’ve changed through my yoga practice; I am aligned with myself and able to be more at peace with the unknowable, ever-changing, unstable world that I live in.
So I’ve been a New Yorker for about two weeks now, and despite my homesickness, I am trying out a new yoga home in Brooklyn.  It’s good… different, but that’s ok!
Through all of the experiences I’ve had via yoga at Tula and during the past year, I am grateful for everything that transpired before this moment and excited for all that is waiting to be discovered! Miss you Cassi and everyone at Tula!

Paper Airplanes

My kids, who are 4 and 6, just discovered paper airplanes. These airplanes have now entertained them for a whole day and 1/2. As I helped them fold the paper this morning, I realized how strange it is that they never had a paper airplane before. Of the 3 1/2 years that I stayed home with them, I never thought of making a paper airplane, though I searched high and low for ways to entertain them. It reminded me that in a world full of high-tech iPad games, and complicated, expensive toys and crafts, sometimes the best ideas are the simplest and we often forget that.

Are you looking for a good idea? Maybe the answer is as simple as a paper airplane.


Motivation is a complicated thing. Marketers, psychologists and parents all would love to know the exact formula for motivating people to do something. As a Psychology major (in college and grad school), there were entire classes and textbooks written about motivation. We do know that there seems to be 2 basic types of motivation - Intrinsic and Extrinsic. Extrinsic motivation is doing something because you think that it will get you an external reward - money, friends, beauty, etc. Most advertisers go after this type of motivation because it is easy to identify and appeal to. Throw a beautiful girl on top of a car and men will want to buy the car because they think it will get them the girl. Simple.

On the other hand, intrinsic motivation is the type of motivation that is very hard to identify and appeal to. It is also much more powerful than extrinsic motivation. Once it takes hold, it is hard to break. This is doing something purely for the joy of it. There are not necessarily any external rewards. This is not easily tapped into by marketing or advertising and for everyone it is different. It is deep within us.

As a yoga studio owner, it is part of my job to sell. I believe, however that I am not trying to sell just yoga. Yoga pretty much speaks for itself. Everyone knows that they should do it and that it is good for them. What I am trying to sell is motivation. The motivation to come to class after a long day at work. The motivation to want a healthy body and mind and be willing to do the work to get it.

I introduced the "motivation membership" based on extrinsic motivation theory - the more you come to class, you get an external reward, money back in your pocket. BUT I know that this type of motivation is not going to work as a long-term strategy for getting you to class - you have to begin to love it. You have to begin to see changes in your body and mind to keep it up for the long haul. After awhile, you will need to begin to become intrinsically motivated by wanting to come to class, mastering different poses and making progress.

I am hoping that the money incentive will work as a sort of 'hook' to get you in, but that ultimately, you will find joy in yoga and want it in your life forever. Simple.

Naivety is an Asset

When someone calls you naive it tends to be taken as an insult. I believe, however, that being naive can be an asset and it has been to me, personally, in business and in yoga.

First, the personal - when I moved to Chicago almost 13 years ago, I knew NOTHING about Chicago. I didn't have friends here nor did I have any connections or insights into the city. I came here for grad school and then planned to move back to San Francisco ASAP! I did what research I could do about where to live. I heard that Lincoln Park was a good neighborhood, so I found an apartment there. Although I had no serious problems, I know now that I overpaid for my tiny apartment, I couldn't park my car anywhere to save my life and I had to take 2 super-slow bus rides to school and work everyday because a train was nowhere in miles. I also got my car broken into twice! After a year, I moved. I moved to Wicker Park. At the time, it was not filled with the designer shops and yuppie condos. People that I met asked me if I lived alone - yes, why? Isn't that neighborhood sketchy? I don't think so. I had the best time in Wicker Park. I hopped on the Blue line everyday, I parked within 5 min of coming home, I walked to new restaurants and bars. I never had a break-in. I was naive about the area in general and it was an advantage. If I had been 'educated' about the area, I may have been too afraid to move there and I wouldn't have discovered this gem of a neighborhood.

In business - If you know me, you know that I am not a yoga instructor and I am far from a yoga expert. I just wanted to open my own business and loved yoga. Therefore, I did not know much (and still don't) about the Chicago yoga scene, politics or industry. I am naive. This has served me to date in so many ways. I am not afraid (because I don't really know what to be afraid of). I make decisions based on how I think things should work, not just because they have always been done that way. I question assumptions. When people ask me sometimes why I do certain things, I often say "why not?" I believe that this has made Tula unique and has contributed much to our success so far.

In yoga - As with the personal and the business aspects, I believe that a certain amount of naivety can also serve you in your yoga practice. There are so many stereotypes of people who do yoga. If you had done much research about yoga and the yoga world before starting a practice - you may not have started. There are books about how it can 'wreck your body', there are articles about how yoga is just a big sex-cult, there are on-going debates and drama around the 'right' types of yoga. If you google YOGA, you usually end up with images of either old, Indian men in white cloths doing yoga on a mountain top or the Lululemon-clad skinny-minnies who can put their feet behind their heads. Most people do not fit into either of these 2 categories. I believe that people should come to yoga with a clear head. These images and preconceived notions often do little more than to frighten people and keep people from trying it out themselves and making yoga their own.

So the next time someone calls you naive, take it as a compliment and know that being naive can potentially open up the world of endless, fearless possibilities to you.

The Perfect Yoga Class

You arrive a bit early to settle in. You enter the warm room, lay down and close your eyes. You hear music and people begin to file in. Laughter and friends surround you with the swoosh of mats hitting the floor. The Guide comes in, turns off the music and begins. Your Guide instructs you to leave the world outside behind, to concentrate on your breath, to escape, to center and set your intention. You begin to move slowly until your hips are a bit open, your back is warm and your core is awakened. You begin to flow- a dreamy, wavy flow. You don't have to think, your Guide cues you, but you move with your breath. The music gets louder, you are challenged, strengthened, stretched and twisted. You begin to come alive. You hear your breath and the beat of the music in your head as your body moves. You take every pose in, truly feel it. Dynamic energy flows from the top of your head to your fingertips and toes and back again. Your Guide softly touches you, moves you one step closer to the edge and your body responds with a sigh. Just when you think that you cannot take another breath, that you cannot take another second of holding, you are released. Your cheeks blush red, your heart beats faster, you feel charged, strong and powerful. The music and lights lower. Your muscles relax, you feel emotions release, the head chatter is gone. Your Guide invites you to rest. You loosen your jaw, your shoulders, as your head sinks into the mat. You exhale the day, inhale a new beginning. You slowly let the ohm resonate through your chest, rise up and connect with the others echoing through the room. You bow in absolute gratitude. You have found peace, if only for an hour.